Wednesday, June 14, 2006

ticket time!

So you might ask yourself what I got a ticket for. Was it because I was selling crack to local school kids, was I selling coke out of a local bar, maybe a double homicide, or maybe performing inappropriate conduct on the subway, perhaps building a large structure without a permit??? OH NO NO! Ladies and gentleman I was, now sit down for this one.... RIDING MY BIKE ON THE SIDEWALK! That's right, driving on a sidewalk for LESS THAN 10 FEET and the motherfucking paddy wagon pulls up in front of me and cuts me off all the while they are going down A ONE WAY STREET TWO BLOCKS to give me a ticket. There were about 8 rookies in the police van and two of them came to give me a ticket. OK, moving on... now I can pay my fine and move along and accept that I was in the wrong..... OH BUT NO NO!! I have a court summons that I have to appear at so there isn't a WARRANT OUT FOR MY ARREST!!!!! Way to go Bed-Stuy police, keeping the neighborhood safe!

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